The colorful, light-infused, holiday season is once more upon us and with of the holidays come our beloved traditions and it’s time to Make Yoga Practice Great Again! After time with family, eating, more eating, celebrating, traveling, we then have the… both dreaded and inspiring…. New Year’s Resolutions! The source of this tradition dates all the way back into the days of the early Babylonians who wanted to begin the new year off fresh by make promises to their gods to pay debt off, return borrowed items, and clean up old “karma.”
Happiness Starts at Home
Now, hundreds of years later, many of us still keep in this tradition in a more contemporary manner, mostly for self-improvement, and sadly, resolutions seem to fade, after less than a week. However, each day is new, each year is new, and no matter what is happening in the world, peace and happiness start at home with self care. Therefore, let’s, this time, really try these 5 simple suggestions to really M.A.(Yoga Practice)G.A.!
This season we challenge you to hold yourself in charge of 5 doable resolutions instead of just one, we are going to do these too at Sakura, promise!
Wake up 1 hour earlier, and dedicate that quiet time to yourself.
In that morning hour, light a candle, incense or essential oil atomizer, grab your mala beads, practice meditation and yoga, no matter what.
Every day, get outside for at least 15 minutes of fresh air, sun, walking or running and nature.
Do a 30 day cleanse, we found this one, dairy free and healthy! If not, cut portions in 1/2 and drink more water, or eat 1 apple before each meal.
Make A Mind Happy Again! Feel gratitude for whatever gifts this life has, kick out negative thoughts, love well, WE create our world!
Love Ourselves to Love Others
We can really resolve to do something that might benefit our lives in a positive manner, and start anew in 2018. No matter if we are giving up one (or many) bad habits or forming brand-new and healthful ones, these simple changes can have a tremendously beneficial impact on us. The 5 changes above can bring a sense of well-being, open the heart, giving love and of ourselves and actually brings happiness!
Let’s promise to do something which will impact the ones we love, the greatest gift is our presence, and it’s hard these days with us all being “plugged in.” Even when it is the smallest gesture which may help improve someone else’s well-being, show them we appreciate them, or simply try take a small stress away. The happier we feel, it naturally radiates out. Listening and really caring about others is love, is happiness. Self care, yoga, meditation are invaluable tools for this to all happen, but we need discipline to make this time for ourselves.
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One Person Can Change the World!
Finally, after we are feeling better, let’s try to make an effort to assist others. We could choose to participate in arbitrary acts of kindness like spend more time with friends and family, or volunteer wherever we feel called. Volunteering, civic or social action, even if we have only a small amount of free time might have a huge influence on of the lives of those we have touched and ours. It’s the same premise with the Holiday famed stories of “A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life and the Grinch,” even one tiny tweet, if spoken from the heart, can change the world! Taking life and those we appreciate for granted is something all of us are guilty of in one time or another, and let’s, starting today, Make A (Yoga Practice) Great Again…
Cheers to 2018!