In the fast-paced reality many of us have created for ourselves, we rarely have time to center our thoughts and our actions. Yoga for healing provides the body and mine some peace through mindfulness and relaxation. The benefits of yoga are endless, but the decrease of mental and physical pain may be the biggest advantage to exercise of this kind.
Yoga Makes You Appreciative
By taking 30-60 minutes to practice yoga, you are essentially celebrating the amazing things that your body can do. Yoga allows you to slow down and appreciate the miracles that occur within yourself each day. This type of exercise helps to better body image. Harvard Health Publications found yoga to be an effective treatment for those with body image issues. “…yoga has become an integral part in the treatment of eating disorders and programs that promote positive body image and self-esteem.” By tuning into what our bodies do for us, yogis are in a more positive place in life.
Yoga Gives You Peace
Our lives are so loud. Rarely do we take the time to pause and really feel the energy around us. Practicing yoga 3-5 times a week does just that. The breathing, combined with a positive mantra and physical challenge allows yogis to find a center in all of the chaos. As you meditatively practice yoga, your thoughts transcend trouble, worries, and stressors that can take years off of your life in the future and make you a lesser version of yourself in the present. Yoga helps you to find the peace within yourself for a better life.
Yoga Heals What Ails You
When people have aches and pains, they often turn to medications and expensive treatments to get relief. However, by practicing yoga, your body can create its own medicine. Yoga helps to heal migraines, back and neck pain, anxiety, and insomnia. According to, “Yoga’s relaxation techniques are thought to calm the body’s nervous system. This action on the nervous system is believed to reduce the activities in the brain that lead to migraines.” By practicing meaningful yoga, you are able to zero in on the aching part of the body, and self medicate through exercise of this kind. Before seeking drugs for pain relief, try yoga for 30 minutes. The difference is incredible. Please see our healing mala beads.
You only have one vessel, so you need to treat it well. Yoga is a vacation for the mind and a cure for what ails you. By giving your body what it needs, you are ready to face the challenges of the day with a clear mind and a healthy being.