
Featured Mala Prayer Beads: The Inspiration Mala!


This month is for you writers, singers, artists, performers, and thinkers who strive off of creativity. This month, Sakura celebrates all of you who inspire or seek inspiration with our Inspiration Mala prayer beads. These beautiful and authentic amethyst healing gemstones, offset by jade and citrine with gold-plated accenting, are perfect for you who dream and dream big but need help wielding your energy in order to turn those dreams into reality.

About the Gemstones used in the Inspiration Mala

Inspiration Mala Beads

Amethyst, the royal gemstone of power in the Inspiration Mala prayer beads, is essential to channeling inspiration because it helps center three major aspects of finding and controlling inspiration.

The first is feeling uplifted. Inspirational and creative powers come to us when we are our higher selves. When we are our lower selves and are unable to focus due to external stress and distractions, we cannot control our abilities to create and inspire. Amethyst gives us the power we seek to feel spiritually uplifted which enables us to produce more with our ideas.

Amethyst is also able to help us communicate effectively. Sometimes inspiration comes easily but communicating our ideas with others does not. If the ideas are clear but you cannot find the means to express them, amethyst is what you need. Amethyst empowers us to express ourselves in a way that others will understand, channeling our art into something powerful.

Finally, amethyst is able to simultaneously soothe and stimulate the mind. Inspiration comes with a fine balance. We need stimulation in order to have the energy to create but the mind also needs soothing in order to have the focus for putting ideas into practice. To effectively channel inspiration, the balance between a calm and stimulated mind cannot be altered. Amethyst helps us find and keep that vital balance allowing us to realize our full potential.

While our Inspiration Mala Prayer beads are primarily made of amethyst, they also contain citrine. Citrine, like amethyst, is important in weaving out all negative distractions that can inhibit our creativity or block out inspiration.  It aligns the chakras helping us to reach our goals and receive the inspiration we need to create our art in its best possible form.

Dare, Dream… CREATE!

For the spiritually inclined who need inspiration to be their best selves, the Inspiration Mala prayer beads are perfect. These beautiful prayer beads will aid you in meditation and give you the focus you desire to channel the inspiration you need to create. All Mala prayer beads have a 30 day guarantee to protect from breakage and come with a complimentary silk Mala bag to protect these precious stones. Realize your full potential with these beautiful prayer beads from our Sakura Designs shop.

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